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Dionne White is the Founder and Prophetic Minister of Dionne White Ministries. 


As a prophetic visionary, voice, and instructor to the body of Christ, Dionne ministers, writes, and creates kingdom content, teaching from personal experience and the heart of God to bring awakening, exhortation, and edification with biblical truths and spiritual principles. She desires to see those in the body of Christ healed, whole, and empowered, walking in the fullness of their identity and authority in God. 

Dionne White

Dionne carries a mandate to blaze a path to peace, freedom, healing, and revival for others and for the nations. She has her own personal testimony of freedom, healing, revival, and transformation that has propelled her into her calling. Part of Dionne's journey and ministry involves supernatural healing from two abortions. She has a passion to bring healing, freedom and empowerment to those who have walked through that tragedy, but her ministry is not limited to that area alone. Her life is a living testimony of victory on many levels! She loves the body of Christ, her nation, and most of all, the word of God. She thrives in teaching others about the deeper things of the Spirit and prophetic ministry. She longs to see prayer, priestly worship, and the prophetic ministry of Jesus restored to His body. Dionne does this by equipping the body of Christ through writing content, speaking, teaching and discipling others in a variety of places including online private ministry groups, personal ministry and discipleship. Her books and ministry blogs have been released through her own social profiles and her website as well as her prophetic releases can be found on The Elijah List and Spirit Fuel  prophetic journalism platforms.


As a seer prophet, her functions include operating as an intercessor, watchman, revelatory prophetic teacher, and spiritual counsel. She has organized and facilitated prayer teams and online prophetic intercession classes, as she has trained up others to be prophetic intercessors, seer prophets, and watchmen. Dionne carries a mantle of justice that plays an important role in her operation as a prophet and intercessor in the judicial realm of the Spirit. It is important to her to see God's government of righteousness and justice operating in dominion on the earth through His ekklesia. Dionne also has a strong prophetic gift of encouragement and it comes out in the way she champions others and encourages them to persevere in their walk of faith. 


Dionne's motto is to “Paint The Promise”. This motto flows into every area of her life and ministry. During her own personal trials and journey of healing and freedom, God spoke clearly to Dionne saying, "You can recognize the pain but I want you to paint the promise. God was reawakening her artistic passion for painting and using her gifts and skills to connect her to Him, His word, and His promises in a greater way. This was the way she was introduced primarily to "prophetic art". She had experienced the power of this in her own life. The ultimate goal is to focus on the promises that He has given us and be the vessels that flesh them out. She is an advocate for the creative arts and their profound function that enable us to connect with God and benefit from their healing and restorative abilities to our whole persons' wellbeing while releasing His beauty and promises in the earth. She has a passion to unlock creative gifts in others and connect them to God in a greater way, as well as a desire to see the creative gifts of God redeemed and restored to His body for purposes of worship and intercession to bring forth His promises. She longs to see His kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven, even through the arts.

Matthew 6:10

"Your kingdom come. Your will be done On earth as it is in heaven."

Dionne is the author of The Art of Freedom, A.C.T. ONE; AWAKE - A Creative Identity and Prophetic Curriculum, and 15 Keys to Recover from a Jezebellic Attack; Real Reflections of an Overcomer's Life. You can also see her published prophetic words on The Elijah List and Spirit Fuel


Dionne was radically saved in 1995 and has been a "God-chaser" ever since.  From the beginning, she has served the Lord in various ministry roles including prophetic ministry rooms, altar prayer and intercession, the creative arts, women's ministry, and youth and children's ministry.


In March of 2016, Dionne had multiple deliverance and healing encounters with God that were followed with a radical transformation in her spirit, soul, and body. At that time, He recommissioned her into full-time ministry, telling her to birth a ministry of hope after eight years of prayer and hidden preparation. H.O.P.E. then became an acronym, standing for "Helping Others Persevere Empowered". She bases her ministry and mission on the Isaiah 61 prophecy and the powerful "ministry of divine exchange" by the Lord Jesus. She has been a recipient of many of those divine exchanges and desires to lead others into these promises. You can read about her story in her first book, The Art of Freedom; Keys to Restore Your Heart, Renew Your Soul, and Revive Your Body to Live Transformed


Dionne is a NE Ohio native. She is a wife to her husband, Will, and together, they have two adult children. The couple married after meeting at the Brownsville Revival in 1998. They have lived in several states of the United States of America for the purposes of ministry, and have recently relocated to Lancaster County, Pennsylvania where the Lord has called them.  

Dionne and Will_1998
April 1st, 1998

Dionne and Will on their

day of engagement.

Dionne and Will_2022
April 25th, 2022

Dionne and Will on their

24th anniversary.


© 2023 by Dionne White Ministries. All rights reserved.

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