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Don’t Lay Your Liberty Down!

Writer's picture: Dionne WhiteDionne White




In all that has been happening with covid, riots, the election and more there is an evil agenda at work that is trying to sabotage our economy (in case you haven’t noticed).

Money holds great control and power but in the wrong hands it is destructive. Money is not evil, the love of money is. Money can fund good and Godly things or money can fund evil. We want it to fund the good and Godly things.

There has been lost inheritance- after all we (I) have been looking to the book of Joshua since last summer about crossing over, taking back the land and possessing our inheritance. We are gaining ground of possessing inheritance and dominion and it doesn’t come without a fight. Is this month, July, the final lap around Jericho? The very lap that we are to shout the wall down yet we are restricted, divided, dictated and masked being told not to sing in many places. It’s time to see all the evil agendas for what they are. This isn’t about covid-19, George Floyd, or unity/equality. It’s about POWER! It’s about FREEDOM. IT’S ABOUT LIGHT VS. DARK.


The first thing communists do is try to break your spirit! Has that happened yet this year for you?? I know for many it has. I know it has tried to break me a few times. They do this by dictating what you can and cannot do making your feel controlled. There is usually a guilty and condemning spirit that goes after your identity and worth especially if you do not abide by their mandates and dictations. It’s a sinister spirit that turns the table on you. Making you eventually feel like the one at fault or in the wrong. Then they begin to remove liberty, after liberty a little at a time as you submit to it. This causes you to believe you cannot survive without their leadership or “provision”. It’s all an evil lie and acts as a slow death.


If you have agreed to the dictations and mandates of this anti christ spirit in any way I urge you to repent and break agreement with it. I urge you to speak and act in the opposite spirit of it. You do not have to abide by an authority that is asking you to do things that go against your faith and beliefs. Read it, it’s in the Bible....King Nebuchadnezzar.


So now Black Out Day 2020 is tomorrow and it is aimed to tank our economy! The largest black owned bank, OneUnited, supports and funnels trillions of dollars to BLM, take a knee movement and the 1619 project. They are urging people (particularly Black people) to not spend tomorrow and if they do they want you to only support black business.

Here is a quote from their website.

“As the largest Black-owned bank in America, we seek to be a beacon of hope during difficult times. By ORGANIZING and CONTROLLING our MONEY, we can overcome many challenges.”


I plead with you - do not withhold spending tomorrow. This is detrimental to our economy. Whether the media shows it or not we are gaining ground in the economy but the communists and liberals would rather have it reserved or tanked on the watch of Donald Trump. It’s not hard to figure this out. We are and will continue to recover all that was lost due to this evil agenda.


Since January I have seen visions of supernatural wealth transference and “found money”. But I have also seen misappropriation of funds both in certain realms of government and in the kingdom of God. There are lots of dirty hands. They will be exposed and justice will be served.

Interesting that I would get those visions in the very year evil agendas try to tank the economy prior to the election of our next president. It’s no coincidence. Please shop tomorrow- please spend intentionally in places you know the money will do good and keep the economy going!! I am believing for wealth transference, debt cancellations, increase in the possession of your inheritance in all ways.

We’ve taken ground now It’s time to claim the unconquered portions of our inheritance!

Dionne White


John 10:10

The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.

Proverbs 18:14

The spirit of a man will sustain him in sickness, But who can bear a broken spirit?

Proverbs 6:30-31

People do not despise a thief If he steals to satisfy himself when he is starving. Yet when he is found, he must restore sevenfold; He may have to give up all the substance of his house.

Isaiah 45:3 NKJV

I will give you the treasures of darkness And hidden riches of secret places, That you may know that I, the LORD, Who call you by your name, Am the God of Israel.

Proverbs 13:22

A good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children, But the wealth of the sinner is stored up for the righteous.


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