Fighting Discouragement
Listen, Learn, Lean…
A Freedom Blog
By Dionne White
Voices of discouragement are everywhere we turn. If we are not careful, prayed up and
studied, the spirit of discouragement can tear us down and become a stronghold on our lives.
Discouragement may come in different forms. Intimidation, manipulation, doubt, and denial.
These are distracting to your true purpose for the Kingdom of God, Ultimately leading to a spirit
of fear. We have to stand strong on the word of God to fight it. You must be alert and vigilant to
recognize it and fight it. You cannot let discouragement take root in your heart or mind because
it will lead to doubt of yourself and will cause you to even question your faith.
Discouragement affected Peter! It led to his doubt. He took his eyes off of the Master and began
to sink. We cannot allow our faith to become unstable! We must stay focused. You cannot control
what thoughts come into your mind but you can control what you do with those thoughts. You
can't "always" control the voices around you but can control what you do with them.
We need to do 3 things when we are faced with discouragement or discouraging situations.
1.LISTEN- Listen to the Father and to the Word of God! The One True Voice. Listen to what He says about you and the situation through the voice of the Holy Spirit.
2. LEARN- Learn what the word of God says about YOU! Find scripture to STAND ON so that
when those discouraging voices come you can pull out your sword and fight! Then put on the full armor of God!
3. LEAN- Lean on the Lord for everything!! When in doubt... Proverbs 3:5-6 says "Trust in the
Lord with all your heart, And LEAN not on your own understanding; In all your ways
acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths. Trust and Believe what He says! He is faithful!
I ENCOURAGE you today to find scripture that tells you of your worth in Christ! So
you know your identity in Him. I have created a free pdf download with declarations for you. Click the hyperlink to download. Feel free to print those off and use on a regular basis for declaring the word over your identity.
Along with scripture the best way to know shore up your foundational identity in Christ is to sit with the Lord. Sit and wait in His presence allowing Him reveal himself and these truths to you. Let Him love on you and welcome ministering angels for your strengthening, they will speak truth to you. He will receive you and Holy Spirit will minister to you. Then journal or document in some way your experience or phrases and words of truth you hear. Receive them, believe them, meditate upon them and then hide them in your heart. This is part of the armor of God practice. When you take the truth and gird yourself with it, hiding it behind the breastplate of righteousness and protecting your mind with the helmet of salvation protecting it all with the shield of faith you are armored up and ready to advance victoriously! See The Warrior's Prayer handout on the free pdf download page as well that is hyperlinked above.
Speak these scriptures aloud! Do it often and believe it in your heart.
When those discouraging thoughts or voices come speak out those
proclamations of faith! Let the enemy know you have identity, authority and the power of Jesus Christ in you! You will be resisting the devil by practicing this and he will flee from you!
I am confident that in no time the COURAGE OF THE LORD will rise up in you to walk victorious defeating that witchcraft spirit of discouragement.
Confidently Free in Christ,
Dionne White
2 Corinthians 10:3-6 (NKJV)
3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. 4 For the weapons of our
warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, 5 casting down
arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every
thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, 6 and being ready to punish all disobedience
when your obedience is fulfilled.