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Writer's pictureDionne White



Psalm 24:7-8

“Lift up your heads, O gates, And be lifted up O ancient doors, that the King of Glory may come in. Who is this King of Glory? The LORD strong and mighty. The LORD mighty in battle. Lift up your heads, O gates!”

I believe the LORD, God Almighty, is wanting us to understand that we are a gate, here on earth, for people to encounter Him and for His power to come through.

We are Heaven’s Gate.

We are to display His glory.

A gate always leads to somewhere. So if we are Heavenly Gates then the reward on the other side of that Gate is Jesus and eternity. But more exciting is that we get to partner with and co-labor with Him here and now, carrying heaven with us everyday, everywhere we go. If you are questioning your worth and value in life and to the Kingdom-this right here is all you need to know that you are important and an integral part to growing the Kingdom. You have great value and many purposes, one of those purposes is to represent Christ and be a gate for others to know Him. Hallelujah that is a thought worth shouting about! YOU are a Heavenly Gate.

So like I said, a gate always leads to somewhere. So what are you a gate for?

What are you representing and what are you leading people to?

I release you to embrace all that God has created you and called you to be! Be that gate in whatever community you have influence in, everyone has a circle of influence. Lead them, show them the way, be the gate to The Way! You're life is the best representation of who you think Jesus is. Show them how they too, can become a heavenly gate.

Be that Heavenly gate to hope, be that gate to peace, be that gate to eternity!

Be that gate to life! Be that Gate to Glory!

By Dionne White

©️2023 Dionne White Ministries


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