From Crisis to the Cross - Hearing and Seeing the Voice. God has taken over the airways.
What the enemy meant for evil the Lord is surely turning for good. As I was ministering in my private intercession and prophecy group on Resurrection Sunday I said “God is taking people from crisis to the cross!” I felt the Holy Spirit come all over me and I repeated myself. “God is taking people from crisis to the cross”. I knew this was a weighty message of hope!
I continued to release the message and God said, “Tell them to get their hopes up!” So I did. It’s time to GET YOUR HOPES UP! There is an open heaven and he is ready to pour out a blessing we cannot contain and that includes taking you from the crisis to the cross. He is showing you the road to victory. When they said death, the cross said LIFE! I DECREE LIFE, LIFE, LIFE over every area that concerns you.
The surge of souls and harvest that I prophesied about last fall is happening. As the airways fill with ministers and individuals giving messages and songs of hope people are going from crisis to the cross. We are witnessing God taking over the airways.
Salvations, rededications, healings, reconciliations and deliverances are happening as people come to the realization that Jesus is their only hope— the Living Hope. They are coming to the cross out of their crisis!
I have never experienced so many prophetic words given in a “Chronos to Kairos” transition season come to pass so quickly. Many many words are manifesting daily and we are seeing the fruit of the prophets lips and the intercessors prayers.
In the beginning of February I had a word and vision come to me suddenly.
I was sitting in my car listening to a fellow minister and all of sudden I heard the Spirit of the Lord say, “God is going to take over the airways!” Immediately an image came before me. I saw an image of an old time stand alone radio. The scene looked as if it took place in times past with the clothes, hairstyles and radio being from the 40’s or 50’s. A family began gathering around the radio. I saw a Father and two children. The children sat in front of the radio on the floor excited and eager to hear as the father “tuned into hear the voice”. The father turned the knob and tuned in the voice to hear it clearly. That was the end of the vision.
The Lord continued to speak to me about this encounter. He said, “The time is coming that many will tune in to hear the voice. I am going to take over the airways and I will use my people to do it. As they open their mouths I will begin to roar!”
Now this was the second prophetic word of mine he had woven into this message. Because myself and others were prophesying the roar of the Lord was coming in 2020. At this point I began to feel I did not even realize the magnitude of the prior words he had given me at the turn of the year. Many were looking to the roar as a jubilant and exciting time not realizing why exactly it was coming. Many did not heed warnings prior from the prophets. From the word the Lord gave me in December 31, 2019 I knew that there was about to be some challenges coming with his roar.
Through the R.O.A.R. There would be
Reestablishment of the fear of the LORD
Overthrowing of enemy plans
Apprehend and anoint those in the wake of it’s sound
Release and Restore Righteousness & Justice in the land.
According to Amos 3:7-8 the roar of the Lord comes to shake, establish, and instill the fear of the Lord and RESET THINGS IN RIGHT ORDER. Ultimately to make himself known—to show up and show out! After the roar is released it sets out to destroy the works of the enemy and accomplish all the Lord desires to do. His prophets are the ones who prepare the way with our mouths so he can roar over every corrupt, false and perverted situation. The LORD is roaring right now!
I began to decree and declare that God was going to ROAR and take over the airways and that many would “tune into hear the voice”.
Amos 3:7-8
[7] Surely the Lord GOD does nothing, Unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets. [8] A lion has roared! Who will not fear? The Lord GOD has spoken! Who can but prophesy?
One month after the initial vision I am ministering again and explaining about the old time radio vision and God taking over the airways. The vision was as clear as it was when I first saw it. This was actually beginning to happen! As we began to go into lockdown during the virus many saints were mobilized into action OVER THE AIRWAYS!
Suddenly a second part to the vision came. But now it was modern day. I saw in my vision the tv show “The Voice” and the celebrity judges sitting with their chairs and backs facing away from the stage. The Lord said, “THEY WILL NOW TURN TO SEE THE VOICE!”
In the vision a singer stepped out onto the platform and began to open their mouth with a incredible sound that echoed. Immediately amazed the Judges hit their button and one by one TURNED TO SEE THE VOICE.
End of vision.
The Holy Spirit made it so clear that this was happening and was going to continue to happen. First they would tune in to hear the voice, then they would turn to see the voice all because the ROAR was being released by his prophets and ministers.
God is taking many from crisis to the cross as they tune into and turn to SEE THE VOICE being spoken through his faithful ones right now. The mobilized media church is opening wide their mouths declaring that Jesus is Lord and leading many to the cross. I see large arms reaching out from the airways gathering in The Prodigals as well and they are rededicating their lives.
It is evident that God is taking many from crisis to the cross. He is leading them back to him through his faithful ones who are speaking with conviction and without compromise. As we lift the name of Jesus many are being drawn to him. Let the Lion of the Tribe of Judah Roar over the land as he calls his children home! Let them tune in and turn to see the voice!
Dionne White
John 12:32 NKJV
And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all peoples to Myself.”
Revelation 1:10-13 NKJV
[10] I was in the Spirit on the Lord's Day, and I HEARD BEHIND ME A LOUD VOICE, as of a trumpet, [11] saying, "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last," and, "What you see, write in a book and send it to the seven churches which are in Asia: to Ephesus, to Smyrna, to Pergamos, to Thyatira, to Sardis, to Philadelphia, and to Laodicea." [12] Then I TURNED TO SEE THE VOICE that spoke with me. And having turned I saw seven golden lampstands, [13] and in the midst of the seven lampstands One like the Son of Man, clothed with a garment down to the feet and girded about the chest with a golden band. (Emphasis added)