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  • The Reset is in the Surrender

    A word by Dionne White Do you feel like you are in a MAJOR reset? Well, join a multitude of others who are in the exact same place of “surrendering, dying and resetting”. The purpose is so God can resurrect the right, purpose and presence filled things in our lives! Those things that will bring forth GOOD AND RIGHT FRUIT for our good and the greater cause of His kingdom! What is the Lord asking you to surrender in this season of your life? I encourage you to give it all to him as seeds and let Him bury them and resurrect what He desires for you to have and do. Let him reset you! Let him water, nurture and breathe resurrection life into those things that will only serve His kingdom and you fruitfully in the years to come! I can absolutely tell you that He is in the letting go! 💯 Something he taught me years ago was that the reset is in the surrender. I live in a state of constant surrender. It’s a practice I do intentionally, especially with my heart. But some seasons call for greater surrenders than others. Can you let go of that thing you built? That relationship you cultivated and counted on! That idea that you knew was from Him? Can you surrender it all back to Him and say “do what YOU want to do with it all Lord!” Can you do that? Surrender all your “seeds” to Him and let him bury them. Then yield to the work of the Holy Spirit in the process of the reset by way of dying to those things and resting in the process of the resurrection! As the Master Gardener He gets to decide what grows and blooms and what doesn’t. He knows what is best for us. More on this prophetic word and process to come. Be empowered and allow yourself to surrender for the reset! - Dionne White 5/7/202

  • We are the Harvesters!

    Dream 4/8/2022 WE ARE THE HARVESTERS; accelerated growth and abundant fruit. I had a dream this morning where I was tending to a piece of land along a public sidewalk/road in a town. This asphalt walkway was by a chain linked fence and on the opposite side of the fence off in a field was a church. I could “see” what was going on inside the church. It was empty. Yet they were conducting their “worship” service with their full band, lights and all yet it was empty of any attendance. It was very dark and loud inside. I was perplexed as to why they were conducting the service which looked more like a concert/show with no congregation. 🤔 I was still outside but yet it was like I was inside seeing the service. My head began to hurt and confusion swirled. My ears then began to ring in an awful way to the point of pain. All of a sudden I then was back outside by the strip of land on the opposite side of the fence in the sunshine. Immediately peace returned to my mind and no more pain in my ears. My attention was drawn to the land along where I was walking. It was a beautiful sunny day with perfect temperatures. All conditions were right in the atmosphere. The strip of land was very green and it was saturated with water. I began trimming the growth back that had not been tended to. I saw this one thick green stock that had been cut off before but it was not growing now. I reached down to examine it and there was still life in it but it had been hidden in the muck of the mud and submerged under the water drowning. I immediately straightened it the best I could so the sunlight could hit it and then I let it go. The plant, because of its root and stock memory, went back down into the dark and water saturated ground. I straightened it back up again towards the light and this time it stayed up facing the sun for a longer period of time. I reached back down to coerce it up again and when I pulled it out it was a large green cucumber/squash vegetable! It was atleast 12” in length and 4” in circumference. I was astounded that the cut off drowning stock had just now produced a “fruit” of this size in a matter of minutes. As the dream comes to an end a person in the dream (who I could not identify) gave me a piece of paper on it that said John 4:38. And they were saying to share what was on the paper. And then the dream comes to an end. The summary of this dream and message to the body of Christ is John 4:36-38 “And he who reaps receives wages and gathers fruit for eternal life, that both he who sows and he who reaps may rejoice together. For in this the saying is true: ‘One who sows another reaps,’. I have sent you to reap that for which you have not labored; others have labored, and you have entered into their labors.” This is a harvest dream for sure. Where others have sown and labored we now get to reap the harvest. And when we do it will be abundant! Many in the body of Christ have been transplanted to new ground in order to tend to and nurture(disciple) what has been sown and they will harvest what they did not sow. We must guide and disciple people into the light. There are decades of learned behaviors and their memories and familiarity will try to pull them back or keep them in a place where there is no growth. Unfortunately this dream has revealed that a portion of the church has kept people “in the dark” and not brought them into the light nor made disciples. Those of us who will answer the call of being laborers and harvesters must tend to the land and help them into the Light and nurture them. When we do this they will grow at accelerated rates!! Then they will produce abundant fruit! It’s time we shift our focus on what we think works and what does not. The church in this dream was closed in and dark. It looked worldly and it was empty. Their efforts of days gone by had no effect. Yet the walkways outside on the other side of the fence was brimming with opportunity and life waiting to come forth. We walk by these opportunities daily in the world of people who will never darken the door of a church. Let’s be the harvesters of what has been sown. It’s time to reap an abundant harvest. It will grow at an accelerated rate once it has come into the Light! We are the harvesters! Some plant, some water, but it is the Lord who will bring the increase! (1 Corinthians 3:6,7) Dionne White 4/8/2022


    THIS IS A CORPORATE WORD TO THE BODY OF CHRIST ESTHERS ARISE! YOUR CONSECRATION WILL DELIVER A GENERATION. EVEN THE UNBORN! PURITY IS CALLING FOR HIS PURPOSES. GENERATIONS ARE WAITING TO BE DELIVERED AND YOUR LIFE OF CONSECRATION AND PURITY CAN BE THE KEY! RESET THE RHYTHM To “reset the rhythm” to our lives we must “come away” with Him to the secret place and consecrate ourselves into Him to reset ourselves for the purposes of the Lord. CONSECRATION AND PURITY IS CALLING! GENERATIONS ARE WAITING TO BE DELIVERED! EVEN THE UNBORN!! In August of 2016 God began to send me and my family places to preach purity with our lives. He told me we were moving into a great time of purifying the bride. We went, we served, we spoke, we modeled and mostly we were rejected. Not surprised. That’s ok though we were obedient and continued to go where He sent us. Purity is not a popular theme in “church” today. Then in December 2019 the Lord gave me the word “reset, divine reset” and I knew that the shifting, sifting and the shaking I had seen in the spirit years prior was to begin for the purposes of purification in the earth and it would start in His house. I’ve seen this coming since 2016. My family carries purity and anything that is unclean or hidden in darkness usually manifests when we are around because of the pure light we carry. It’s Him, His glory and purity in us. When this happens in places it’s not always pretty and comes with great resistance. But we do not back off of our message of purity in the Lord living a consecrated life. The “houses of God” have been defiled and I will always fight for the message of purity and the purifying of the bride. He will not return for a defiled bride! But I’m telling you, NOW the Lord is calling us away CORPORATELY to come away with Him, to hide away with Him in the secret place or to consecrate our lives again and to Him so that a whole generation can be delivered and the unborn can come to life. I feel this so strongly in my spirit for a month now he’s been calling us away from the unnecessary things of the world and even the mundane and foolish things of the church world and the every day things of man-made structures. We must set ourselves apart and consecrate ourselves into Him again for the purposes of the Lord! Not just for ourselves but for generations to come for this is a crucial time and hour. We must discern the times and seasons. And this is that time and season! As Lynn Alderson, (of HAPN and GPEC North American Director), would say, “We are in a time gate”. I believe this time gate is a gate of consecration to usher us in to great and amazing places to see deliverance of generations, particularly for the unborn. If we do this, abortion as we know it can and will fall! Will you answer the call?? Will you consecrate to reset righteousness, holiness, and purity in place? Will you come away with Him to be an Esther to deliver a generation ?! He is looking for those who will! He calls us to be peculiar people which are His treasured possessions. We are chosen as His treasured possession! He wants you to carry this mantle of consecration and purification for deliverance! Pray and ask Holy Spirit what I must do to become one who can help deliver a generation including the unborn. Dionne White 3/14/2022 Esther 4:14 NKJV [14] For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father's house will perish. Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?" 1 Peter 2:9-10 NKJV [9] But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light; [10] who once were not a people but are now the people of God, who had not obtained mercy but now have obtained mercy. Peculiar - Set Apart / Saved /Treasured Strong's Definition From G4046; acquisition (the act or the thing); by extension preservation: - obtain (-ing) peculiar, purchased possession saving. Thayer's Definition a preserving, a preservation possession, one's own property an obtaining In the footnote of scriptures found in 1 Peter 2:9, we learn that it comes from a Greek word meaning purchased or preserved, and that it is related to a Hebrew word meaning special possession or property. The Hebrew word comes from the root meaning to shut up, which is what you do with wealth, hence a jewel or peculiar treasure. In the Old Testament, peculiar is used in the sense of a special or particular treasure. The Lord tells us in Exodus that "if you will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant, then you shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people" (Exodus 19:5). #ShareThisPost #share #propheticword #consecratedlife #esthermantle #deliverancelifestyle #Savetheunborn #esthersarise #ifnotusthenwho


    MANTLES OF WEALTH REVEALED AND THE THIEF CAUGHT Recently the Holy Spirit has revealed to me and my husband in our private prayer ministry calls that there are many that God has marked to carry a mantle of wealth before they were born. The mantle of wealth they are called to carry is for the purposes of expanding and advancing the kingdom of God. It is to occupy territory in houses, land, and business. Then from their wealth, their possessions, and their resources they can fund the kingdom of God. They will also be gifted in certain skills and wisdom for strategy and aiding ministry and business. Yet because of this mantle and anointing on their life there has been demonic assignments assigned to them to physically take out their life or physically incapacitate them. Along with other things to keep them from stepping into their God given destiny. But the pattern I am seeing in the spirit realm is an attempt on people lives from a young age including abortion. So many babies that are terminated are carrying weighty kingdom assignments and one of those is wealth. Satan knows the power of money. Money equals control. He corrupts people’s hearts and uses wealthy people to carry out his demonic and corrupt agenda in the earth. Satan KNOWS wealth will advance the kingdom of God! Unfortunately, the spirit of religion and poverty IN THE CHURCH has been an enemy to these people who are marked and mantled for wealth. They are trying to kill their brethren by slandering and accusing them of greed or carrying a prosperity message. Unfortunately, people under the spirit of religion in the church throw stones at those who believe in prosperity for God’s people and the mantle of wealth. “Be poor and be more like Jesus” they preach which is a false statement and lie from the pit of hell. Lack is not in the kingdom of God or in Heaven. God did not design us to live in lack or a poverty mentality. You, Brethren who do this, are an enemy to the kingdom of God if you are speaking against prosperity. Nothing goes far with no money! Try driving your car on an empty tank. It’s not happening. God has given us the ability to get wealth. Deuteronomy 8:18. It even says in Proverbs 8:20 - 21 “I traverse the way of righteousness, In the midst of the paths of justice, That I may cause those who love me to inherit wealth, That I may fill their treasuries.” That is plain as day from the word of God. He wants to prosper and bless us to be a wealthy people so we can be a blessing and help fund and advance the kingdom of. Again, I say there are people who God is revealing in this very hour that you have been marked from before you were born to carry a mantle of wealth. Satan would love nothing more than to take you out or incapacitate you so you cannot fulfill that call and leave you frustrated and surviving instead of thriving. I pray that if this is you that the Lord would right now reveal this to you. That He would show you that He has marked you for the mantle of wealth and how to steward it. I pray that every demonic assignment sent against your life to cripple you and your finances be exposed now in Jesus' name. May God give you the spirit of wisdom to know how to break the legal assignments in the courts of heaven enabling you to step into your destiny in your books. May the spirit of tenacity rise up in you like a fiery inferno to go after it until it is captured and in your possession to carry. MANTLE OF WEALTH FALL FALL FALL!!! Lord, let those who are marked for greatness and mantled of wealth be revealed in these days. Cut off the devourer! Stop the demonic destruction! Break off the word curses! Render them powerless! Where the enemy and thief has been exposed and caught, we pray Righteous Judge that You would prosecute this evil spirit of death and sabotage which is an enemy of the gospel and the kingdom of God. We call for a sevenfold return of substance to the people he has stolen from. And we call for a repayment for the damages he has caused —physically, emotionally, mentally, relationally, and financially. I also pray that the character of Your people who have been slandered would be restored and honored where curses have been spoken over them regarding their lives and prosperity! We ask for the blood of Jesus to speak a better word for them now! We pray, you Lord, would usher in this mantle of wealth swiftly in the lives of your people so Your kingdom can be advancing and expanded in the earth for the days ahead. No more time lost! No more delay! Let Your will be done In Jesus name, amen. Dionne White 3/2/2022


    HAVE FAITH IN GOD AND…FORGIVE. A quick look at the conversation and teaching around the withered fig tree. Reading about the fig tree this morning in both accounts of Matthew and Mark. In Mark this direct short phrase is included that is not in Matthew. “Have faith in God.” Seems simple enough…right? But we have all been there..tempted to waiver in our faith. Tempted to buy into discouragement and doubt. But here Jesus is talking about doubting in the depths of your heart. He is talking about your belief system. Not a simple “I’m not sure if….” which we all face when we feel weak and our flesh and circumstances say otherwise. But if we dig deep into the depth of our hearts and align by and with Holy Spirit I’m confident your words would be “I have faith in God”. I believe that you would see the true belief system of your heart exposed when it came down to it. It’s usually in those moments of desperation when our belief is revealed. It’s easy to say “I have faith in God” when we can see all things point to hope and favor and blessing are manifesting. But we must remember that faith is by the Spirit and it is with a prophetic vision we have faith eyes to see and to speak. But if we have unforgiveness it will influence our faith negatively and it will hinder what we receive. Let’s look at it below. Both accounts speak of doubt. Both accounts speak of “just believe you will receive”. But only one records a very important principle of prayer that Jesus instructs them on. In Mark 11:22, immediately following the withered fig tree passage the conversation continues to flow by Jesus saying, “And whenever you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him, that your Father in heaven may also forgive you for trespasses. But if you do not forgive, neither will your Father in heaven forgive your trespasses.” According to what Jesus is saying here, unforgiveness is an enemy of faith and it will pollute what you believe and hinder what you receive- including forgiveness from the Father. It will hinder Heaven coming into your life on all levels. It’s a good time to have faith in God but it’s an even better time to forgive and then ask and believe that you will receive all things according to your faith. End the year right and forgive…and have faith in God! Blessings Dionne White 12/27/2021 #forgiveness #TheArtofFreedomBlog #freedomblog #askbelievereceive #theartoffreedombook #finishstrong

  • Dig up the wells of revival

    THE WELLS OF REVIVAL ARE SHAKING AND CALLING OUT. (A Re-release of my Word from November of 2019.) I have continually been hearing a phrase “dig up the wells of revival.” The Lord began to show me a picture over and over of “revival wells” that once were open and flowing but had been clogged up stopping the flow and then they were covered up to the point where that well was no longer visible. I saw a sharp diamond point shovel firmly and swiftly being put to these places where dirt and grass had piled up and grown. The wells were rumbling and there was physical shaking activity calling out to be unearthed. There has been swift chess moves happening in The kingdom. Relocations, redirections, reorganizing of people and positions for the purpose of revival - this revival carries an ancient anointing - many that were originally established in places but now with a NEW assignment of fire and awakening. There are ancient wells of revival He is wanting us to tap into and unleash. I saw many of His people who carry a spirit of revival and the fire baptism - carrying a breakthrough anointing being moved and firmly planted in areas where some of these original “ancient wells” of revival had already been established. Some of them were legally binding contracts on earth but these same contracts were broken as well. God wants to renew and re-bind those contracts on earth and in heaven so He can pour out His Spirit on ALL flesh. Are you one He can use to make the NEW contract with? Will you be a vessel of revival? so He can pour His spirit on ALL flesh. Will you dig up and re-establish the ancient wells of revival again? Many of you have been “impressed or led” to start a NEW thing or to reintroduce an old way that once was, even to the point where past relationships are being realigned because they are kingdom alignments with Holy alliances for His purposes. As well as He is stirring you to recall a place where you once walked in revival yourself or you were living with great faith. He is stirring up great wells of faith as well. All these are not by chance. This is by Divine guidance. Many of you feel passionate about a particular ministry or mission of the Lord but He is saying “THIS IS MORE THAN ABOUT PASSION! THIS IS ABOUT MY PLAN BEING FULFILLED IN THE EARTH. He says “LOOK DEEPER. LOOK BACK FARTHER. SEEK FULL UNDERSTANDING OF YOUR PASSION. SEEK FULL UNDERSTANDING OF “YOUR MISSION”. KNOW THE HISTORY OF THAT CALLING. KNOW THE HISTORY OF THAT AREA. SEEK TO KNOW IF I HAVE ALREADY ESTABLISHED WELLS OF REVIVAL THERE. IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW WHAT I ESTABLISHED THERE CENTURIES AGO. YOU MUST KNOW THESE THINGS IN ORDER TO KNOW HOW TO PRAY AND ACT IN ORDER TO REVERSE THE EFFECTS OF A STOPPED UP AND STAGNATE WELL. IT’S TIME TO BREAK UP THE GROUND - UNCAP THE WELL, UNCLOG THE WELL AND UNLEASH THE WELL. THE WELLS ARE RUMBLING. DEEP IS CALLING TO DEEP AND HE IS STIRRING UP DEEP DEEP WELLS OF REVIVAL. THERE IS AN URGENCY ON THIS AS THE WELLS BEGIN TO BOIL FROM THE FIRE - the fire will only remain contained for so long. The move that God is activating is likened to a percolator - the container acts as a conductor of the heat as it sits over the fire rising to a boil where if not removed it will eventually boil over and or blow like a geyser. The ancient wells are crying out to be released. Are you one to uncover, unclog, unleash the ancient wells? Are you one He is asking to reestablish the revival wells? Dionne White 11/18/19 Psalm 42:7 NKJV [7] Deep calls unto deep at the noise of Your waterfalls; All Your waves and billows have gone over me. Psalm 85:6 NKJV Will you not revive us again: that your people may rejoice in you? Genesis 26:18 NKJV And Isaac dug again the wells of water which they had dug in the days of Abraham his father, for the Philistines had stopped them up after the death of Abraham. He called them by the names which his father had called them

  • Convergence- The Power of Unity and Satan’s Attempt to Divide

    BE INTENTIONAL TO STAY UNITED - DO NOT ALLOW THE SPIRIT OF DIVISION TO SABOTAGE YOUR RELATIONSHIPS AND BLESSINGS RIGHT NOW. There has been an increase of the spirit of division released this past week. It’s attempt has been released into marriages, the body of Christ, friends and once again in a greater way in the USA. The reason it’s been unleashed is because of the convergence that is happening. Unity is actually happening in our nation and in the body of Christ. Even in marriages there’s been great reconciliation and greater bonds being made and people being released back into ministry together. These are power couples! These are powerful Ministries arising and families are being reconciled. God is building His Endtime “Net”work. (See more about this here from my prophetic vision and word The devil sees and knows this. He knows this is a powerful force. So his assignment to divide has been released again in a great way. This was recently revealed to me in a dream as well where two twin women of a “dark nature” sat between me and a known prophet causing us to be “separated” from where we were sitting before together. The Lord warned me that this would be sent and to be aware and be intentional in not allowing this spirit of division to sabotage and separate divine alignments, marriages, friends and families. I knew the women were a demonic wedge. With full Intention to completely separate what was unified and gaining strength. This has revealed itself in the past year in the body of Christ by attempting to divide the prophets and prophetic community. When this happens you are responsible for YOU! You are responsible to do your part in safe guarding against this and reaching out to be a minister of reconciliation to your best ability in humility, love and forgiveness. Time is of the essence in this time of convergence and divine alignments! Time wasted is time given up to the enemy! Be warned this will come in forms of personal trials, financial issues, miscommunication, accusations, and many more demonic tactics to cause irritation, strife and finally division, for there God cannot command a blessing. Be alert of the snares set for you. Be aware and resolve that you will not agree to or partner with this spirit. Be intentional in these important relationships. Repent of anything in your heart and be quick to forgive and reunite where God shows you. Let’s stay United!! Let’s keep pushing to stay divinely connected FOR HIS PURPOSES AND BLESSINGS ! IF WE CAN STAY UNITED IN OUR PERSONAL LIVES AND IN THE CHURCH THEN GOD WILL BLESS IT AND WE WILL CONQUER!! UNITE AND CONQUER BY HIS SPIRIT! Psalm 133:1-3 NKJV [1] Behold, how good and how pleasant it is For brethren to DWELL TOGETHER IN UNITY! [2] It is like the precious oil upon the head, Running down on the beard, The beard of Aaron, Running down on the edge of his garments. [3] It is like the dew of Hermon, Descending upon the mountains of Zion; FOR THERE the LORD COMMANDED THE BLESSING- Life forevermore. (Emphasis added) Psalm 91:9-12 NKJV [9] Because you have made the LORD, who is my refuge, Even the Most High, your dwelling place, [10] No evil shall befall you, Nor shall any plague come near your dwelling; [11] For He shall give His angels charge over you, To keep you in all your ways. [12] In their hands they shall bear you up, Lest you dash your foot against a stone. James 4:7 NKJV Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Dionne White 11/20/2021

  • Stay True - God Shall Deliver

    SNARES OF THE ENEMY! Stay true - God shall deliver!! Did you know the prophet Daniel was a governor for a corrupt and Babylonian king, Darius? This Babylonian king thought to give him rule over the whole realm! He had favor with God and man! How does that happen? Only by the Spirit of God. The king was even influenced by the Spirit of God in his thoughts and didn’t know it! It was Daniel’s (godly and holy) excellent spirit, honor, integrity and character that spoke for him. He excelled and like Joshua and Caleb, Daniel was of a different spirit- a Holy Spirit! Unfortunately the other Governors did not like the favor he was receiving and plotted against him. Daniel Chapter 6 is a perfect example of how the enemy works to seek out and find fault to use it against you. Especially when you are favored and excelling in your life and calling. When your life is marked with destiny and greatness in God the unregenerated and jealous ones will seek to devour and destroy you. This is like the devil, your adversary, who prowls around like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. (1 Peter 5:8)He will seek to find fault or some charge against you to bring you to ruins. If he cannot find anything you can be sure he will plant a snare so that you may be found trapped and possibly taken by it. He will go to the effort to set you up so that you can be found at fault and guilty. That is all he needs to begin to build a legal case against you and cause destiny to begin to resist you. Thankfully Daniel was found without fault or legal charges BUT the enemy did set a trap for him and was able to “charge” him and put him into prison in the lions den. In Psalm 91 it says “Surely He shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler…” God recently confirmed and expanded on that verse in a dream. In my dream I encountered a witch who forced her way into a shop I was tending to and I called 911 (psalm 91 🙂). She waltzed through the store I was in charge of not listening to my demand to leave until I used a “legal action” against her. I told her we were closed and I had called 911. Meaning that I had called on God and His angels enforcing HIS LAW. She then tried to set a stumbling block (a big black iron dumbbell) in the aisle and in my way. I SAW IT IMMEDIATELY and MOVED IT, knowing someone would hit it, trip and hurt themselves. I then drove her out with authority and truth (God’s law). She went! I will have you know that the morning I had that dream a snare came that same day. I was made aware of it before I had a conversation with someone. When I was engaged in the conversation the person was using “leading” questions I felt was trying to lure me into a trap of offense. I immediately saw before me the big black iron dumbbell that was in my dream and I knew God was saying, “Here it is. I warned you.” I was prepared and I changed the subject and was able to avoid stepping into that trap! Glory to God! The word snare in both Hebrew (H6351 pach) and Greek means a device like a spring net or thin metal to form a trap. It means to entangle or even to plot. It is a calamity or the source of a calamity. This trap is set and plotted to catch you in it but also to entrap you into fault. Witchcraft is one of the most common ways these snares are set. And offense is set as a stumbling block to trip you up to fall into the trap. This is what happened to Daniel. Unfortunately they conspired against Daniel and set a firm Royal statute (a written law passed by legislative body) and released a firm decree (an official order issued by a legal authority). It was a trap Daniel could not avoid but because he stayed true to God, God then protected and delivered him. Even Darius believed Daniel’s God would deliver him. STAY TRUE AND BLAMELESS BEFORE THE LORD! GOD WILL DELIVER YOU! HE WILL SHUT THE MOUTHS OF THE LIONS SENT TO DEVOUR YOU. HE WILL GIVE HIS ANGELS CHARGE OVER YOU JUST LIKE HE DID DANIEL! Let me just say - I’m so thankful God reveals my traps to me ahead of time. Whether that be in dreams, visions or personal words. I began praying psalm 91 years ago and I would often say. “Lord show me any snares that are set for me today so I can be prepared to avoid falling into them! I want to remain faultless and blameless before you! Send your angels to go now to spoil and remove any traps laid for me.” Sometimes they are removed. Sometimes they are seen and I know to avoid them. It’s an opportunity for me to operate in His strength and grace displaying the fruit of the Spirit. It’s said we become what we behold. There is great truth in that but God has shown me in addition to what we behold we must practice - We don’t become unless we practice what we behold. We must practice the ways of the Master. He has done it time and time again. I have avoided many traps set by the enemy through others because of acts and motives through witchcraft. Be aware, be vigilant in seeing and discerning the traps laid for you. I encourage you to pray the same as I have in agreement with Psalm 91. It will save you time and time again and keep you free from fault and blameless before God. There are so many lessons in this one chapter of Daniel regarding the time we are living in and what we are about to see God do on behalf of His people (he’s actually already doing it). Be encouraged the Deliverer is at work and has placed us among the cultures of the nations to be His governors to deliver others! Blessings, Dionne November 16, 2021


    I had a dream this morning and the portion of it that was highlighted the most was I was “uncovering things” and in my uncovering under my bed I found clocks - clocks that used to be mine in real life it seemed - maybe something I had 20 years ago. They were big and white - like a white distressed paint job. But still in perfect condition. Below is an initial prophetic word God gave me this morning for it. I pray it encourages you today! Know that God is fighting for you! There is more to this dream that has to do with intercession, evicting demonic spirits, courts of heaven and cleansing bloodlines. But know this - God is redeeming time and restoring things for us! GOD IS REDEEMING TIME “So I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten, The crawling locust, The consuming locust, And the chewing locust, My great army which I sent among you.” (Joel 2:25) says the Lord and you will have life abundantly which Jesus came to give (John 10:10) and I will rebuke the devourer over your life! (Malachi 3:11) Watch as I open the windows of heaven over your life and POUR OUT MY SPIRIT AND A BLESSING YOU CANNOT CONTAIN! The outpouring is coming to you - Spirit, soul, and body. For you have been faithful in seeking Me and standing fast trusting Me says the Lord. You did not put your household before Mine and therefore I will bless it with provisions above and beyond. The poverty spirit will have no place in your mind and finances anymore. Watch as I redeem what has been lost to you through theft, betrayal, misunderstandings and even iniquity in your bloodline. The blood is speaking on your behalf as you have approached Me. It is testifying for you this day. I Am the Restorer and Redeemer of all things! In Jesus Name. Dionne White Word 7/9/2021


    THE LORD IS ABOUT TO SHAKE YOUR HOUSE AND SHAKE THINGS LOOSE! It’s happening- A supernatural shaking to free, save and revive! > An earthquake of God’s power, the wind of the Spirit, Words of knowledge and prophecy changing the trajectory of lives and bringing salvation and revival.< Link to watch my live interview regarding this word with Joel Yount at Spirit Fuel I recently had a short but powerful dream. It is a simple dream but with a profound and timely message. I was standing in my bedroom in the morning light and I look to my left and an wall unit air conditioner had been shaken loose and pushed inside my room. It was lying on the floor with all the wires exposed and there was an opening in the wall with wires as well. The wires were every color you could think of. The odd thing is that my personal home does not have a wall unit air conditioner in my bedroom so I knew that this was a prophetic message in my dream. In the dream I call my husband and ask him how do I fix this and put the unit back in the wall with all of these wires? His answer was simple he said, “you have to remember which colored wire goes to which.” And that was the end of his instruction. There was a scene break in my dream and next I am sitting at a table with my husband and another person. I proceeded to tell them how the air conditioner was shaken loose and fell into my house by an earthquake. Surprised by what I said, I stopped myself from saying anything more and looked to my husband and said, “I didn’t know it was an earthquake that shook it loose. It just came out of my mouth. How did I know that?” The person I was telling the account to was amazed and the dream came to an end. Upon waking the dream was vivid in my mind and I recorded it. It played over and over in my head all day. I proceeded to ask the Holy Spirit for interpretation and he reminded me of Paul and Silas in the prison. How when the earthquake happened it shook things, breaking loose the shackles and opened the prison doors and salvation came to all. The Lord said that the Earthquake reference was the power of God. He proceeded to tell me that the air conditioner represented the wind of the Holy Spirit and angelic assistance along with salvation and revival to individuals. The wires were the intriguing thing in the dream but it was very clear that they represented divine connections so that things could function and work properly. Since every color was represented it reminded me of God’s rainbow that He placed in the sky to remind himself of the covenant he had made with men. So that tells me that in that power, that shaking, that wind of the Spirit and those divine connections that His promises will be fulfilled by covenant partnerships. We are in a time where we must intentionally align and be connected to the right people and in the right places - the right networks in order for this to be a good functioning unit. The fact that it was in my bedroom it represented to me the secret place of prayer because my bedroom is often where I pray. And a bedroom represents a place of intimacy. Our intimacy with the Lord and our daily fellowship and walk with the Holy Spirit is crucial in making these divine connections so that we can live empowered by, be filled by and propelled by the Holy Spirit. “For it is not by might, nor by power but by My Spirit” says the Lord of hosts. (Zechariah 4:6) The fact that I didn’t know the information about the earthquake was also intriguing. The Spirit said this has to do with the gift of prophecy and words of knowledge. That the gift of prophecy and words of knowledge will be used in this end time as a great and mighty way to usher in the Spirit of revival and salvation, completely changing the trajectory of peoples lives and homes. It will come at times even without notice. An anointing will come and people will begin to speak things that they did not know otherwise. So Just like the power of God shook the prison by an earthquake and Paul and Silas were set free so is an earthquake of the power of God about to hit many homes shaking things loose. Busting in on your home. The power will break into your home and the wind of the Spirit will blow!! And just like Paul in prison - he called out by word of knowledge in the dark to the prison keeper who was about to take his life. Instead that word he spoke, “Do Yourself no harm, for we are all here.” saved the man and his household! There is grace on this transition and time of transformation. Lean into the Holy Spirit and ask for wisdom. Wisdom of what divine connections you should have. Wisdom to understand and know how to steward those connections and the divine move in your home and family life. You will need the wisdom of the Lord to steward it well. Yield yourself to the supernatural gifts He has placed within you and do not be surprised when words of knowledge start to come out of your mouth. It is the midnight hour for your home. Today is the day of freedom and salvation for your family. Lift your voice - sing praises unto Him and expect Him to shake your home and set it free bringing it into the promises He has shown you. Dionne White 6/3/2021 I released this word live on Spirit Fuel on June 9, 2021 with Joel Yount as well as discussed of how God speaks to us in our dream life. Go to the link here to watch. Acts 16:25-34 25 And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners heard them. 26 And suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken: and immediately all the doors were opened, and every one's bands were loosed. 27 And the keeper of the prison awaking out of his sleep, and seeing the prison doors open, he drew out his sword, and would have killed himself, supposing that the prisoners had been fled. 28 But Paul cried with a loud voice, saying, Do thyself no harm: for we are all here. 29 Then he called for a light, and sprang in, and came trembling, and fell down before Paul and Silas, 30 And brought them out, and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved? 31 And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house. 32 And they spake unto him the word of the Lord, and to all that were in his house. 33 And he took them the same hour of the night, and washed their stripes; and was baptized, he and all his, straightway. 34 And when he had brought them into his house, he set meat before them, and rejoiced, believing in God with all his house.

  • Fighting discouragement

    Fighting Discouragement Listen, Learn, Lean… A Freedom Blog By Dionne White Voices of discouragement are everywhere we turn. If we are not careful, prayed up and studied, the spirit of discouragement can tear us down and become a stronghold on our lives. Discouragement may come in different forms. Intimidation, manipulation, doubt, and denial. These are distracting to your true purpose for the Kingdom of God, Ultimately leading to a spirit of fear. We have to stand strong on the word of God to fight it. You must be alert and vigilant to recognize it and fight it. You cannot let discouragement take root in your heart or mind because it will lead to doubt of yourself and will cause you to even question your faith. Discouragement affected Peter! It led to his doubt. He took his eyes off of the Master and began to sink. We cannot allow our faith to become unstable! We must stay focused. You cannot control what thoughts come into your mind but you can control what you do with those thoughts. You can't "always" control the voices around you but can control what you do with them. We need to do 3 things when we are faced with discouragement or discouraging situations. 1.LISTEN- Listen to the Father and to the Word of God! The One True Voice. Listen to what He says about you and the situation through the voice of the Holy Spirit. 2. LEARN- Learn what the word of God says about YOU! Find scripture to STAND ON so that when those discouraging voices come you can pull out your sword and fight! Then put on the full armor of God! 3. LEAN- Lean on the Lord for everything!! When in doubt... Proverbs 3:5-6 says "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And LEAN not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths. Trust and Believe what He says! He is faithful! I ENCOURAGE you today to find scripture that tells you of your worth in Christ! So you know your identity in Him. I have created a free pdf download with declarations for you. Click the hyperlink to download. Feel free to print those off and use on a regular basis for declaring the word over your identity. Along with scripture the best way to know shore up your foundational identity in Christ is to sit with the Lord. Sit and wait in His presence allowing Him reveal himself and these truths to you. Let Him love on you and welcome ministering angels for your strengthening, they will speak truth to you. He will receive you and Holy Spirit will minister to you. Then journal or document in some way your experience or phrases and words of truth you hear. Receive them, believe them, meditate upon them and then hide them in your heart. This is part of the armor of God practice. When you take the truth and gird yourself with it, hiding it behind the breastplate of righteousness and protecting your mind with the helmet of salvation protecting it all with the shield of faith you are armored up and ready to advance victoriously! See The Warrior's Prayer handout on the free pdf download page as well that is hyperlinked above. Speak these scriptures aloud! Do it often and believe it in your heart. When those discouraging thoughts or voices come speak out those proclamations of faith! Let the enemy know you have identity, authority and the power of Jesus Christ in you! You will be resisting the devil by practicing this and he will flee from you! I am confident that in no time the COURAGE OF THE LORD will rise up in you to walk victorious defeating that witchcraft spirit of discouragement. Confidently Free in Christ, Dionne White 4/9/2021 2 Corinthians 10:3-6 (NKJV) 3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. 4 For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, 5 casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, 6 and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled.


    In February of 2020 I had a profound encounter in my sleep. It was so real I thought I was awake but I was still asleep. I was looking at myself from above or “outside” of myself and saw myself in my bedroom asleep having the experience. As I began to awake from sleeping it got even more real. I shared the encounter with my husband and two friends. I was almost in disbelief. You have to understand I never tire of having encounters with heaven. You just never get used to it. They are so supernatural it’s hard sometimes to fathom. So I hesitate sometimes to share these supernatural encounters publicly but it had an incredible message that I knew I had to share and release it when the time was right. Now is that time. NIGHT VISION ENCOUNTER I was in my bedroom but it looked like a Royal chamber. In the encounter my bed was bigger and had luxurious bedding and I was clothed in a Royal looking nightgown. It was white satin. In the natural I don’t own anything of the sorts. I was lying on my back and an angel came and with two hands put a crown on my head. This is not the first encounter I’ve had in my sleep with angels. I‘ve had some very profound things happen in my sleep with angels. I acknowledged that I had received the crown. It was big and gold and it had all different color gems in it including diamonds. It was breathtaking, beautiful and heavy. I had fully received the crown and it stayed in place as I slept and even turned in bed. Then the angel stretched their hand forward and placed another gem in the crown. I would turn over and the crown would move with me. I saw myself turning and sleeping with the crown on. As I was waking up I was physically turning in my bed to my left and I still felt like I had the crown on. I was afraid it was going to slip off so I reached up in the natural to hold it. It remained in place. In the night vision it was understood I was royalty. All of me agreed and understood with what was happening but a question bloomed in my mind. The voice of the Lord was asking me if I was going to agree with the identity I had been given. Did I believe that I was royalty? Would I walk like I was royalty? Would I talk like I was royalty? Whether I accepted or rejected the crown it didn’t change the fact that in Christ my identity was still royalty. You can’t separate from your DNA once you are in Christ and the birthright and inheritance due you. But you can reject it and forfeit it. He will not force you to take it. In closing of the encounter and conversation The Lord made it clear—it was understood that my future was hinged on my identity and the acceptance of “the crown”. The Lord was searching my heart and testing my mind. He was giving me an invitation to accept this life of divine royalty. It was so so clear He was wanting me to know and wanting me desperately to except and agree to what I had been given, who I was in Christ and who He had called me to be. A crowned daughter of royalty. Will you accept the crown? Your destiny depends on it! -Dionne White 3/11/21

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